Tuesday 24 March 2020

Found Music

She couldn’t play an instrument and she couldn’t read music.  She had no desire to learn to play an instrument either, but she did love music and she found it everywhere.

Just that morning she saw it on the telegraph wires behind her house.  Little sparrows perched here and there along the four lines of wires, like musical notes.  So that was what birdsong looked like, she thought with a smile.

She wondered about the tunes in water as well.  On her last holiday she sat at the edge of the pool and gazed down into the water, transfixed by the patterns the movement of water made on the bottom of the pool when the sun shone down on it.  They looked like sound waves.  Water music.  Oh, and the stream in the woods made music all day, every day, trickling in delicate tinkles over the rocks, bubbling and burbling long and when that was partnered with the birdsong, it was the most amazing music in the world.

She sighed.  There was work to do.  She didn’t have time to daydream, so she went about her daily chores, but she found more music there too.  She threw her freshly washed clothes into the tumble dryer and turned it on.  She sat at her desk and attempted to work, but a beat began to work its way into her head.  Rhythmic and luring, a gentle thump, thump, thump came through as the dryer rumbled around and around.  She began to hum a little tune to go with the beat.  If she had known how to write music, she may have had a hit on her hands.  The boiler lit and wooshed on and its funny little clicks joined in.  Next came the reversing beeps outside as a truck reversed up the hill then the neighbour’s cat who had clearly come face-to-face with its arch enemy, the ginger tom from four doors down.  As the orchestra of noises fell into a harmonious sound the two cats wailing outside added an extra edge to the tune.  As the music reached its crescendo, she stopped and closed her eyes. She held her breath then laughed as the tune died back to just the boiler clicks and the rhythmic tumble dryer beat.

She finished her day down at the beach, where her favourite kind of music waited for her.  Some days it was wild and dramatic, leaving her breathless and energised.  She really did love musical days like that.  They were full of orchestras and crazy conductors throwing everything they had into it.  Drums would pound, strings would be fraught with madness and trumpets would screech and flail about.  But today it was calm and meditative, like a perfect Gymnopedie.  A gentle ebb and flow of tide water rolling softly onto the sands. The perfect drifting end to her day.

Copyright©CazEddy 2020

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